Welcome to my newsletter!
As a way to get started, I would like to let you in behind the scenes and tell you how hard it has been for me to write this first newsletter. I racked my brain and heart searching for what would be appropriate, catchy, and profound, but not too profound. Basically I tied myself up into knots over this, and I would like to use this experience as a launching pad for a discussion.
I think we all know what it’s like to get stuck in an internal “story” that we need to be some certain way – something other than being ourselves just as we are. We can get caught in this for days, weeks, months, years, or even, sadly, a lifetime. It’s common to get caught up in this kind of spell in various circumstances such as public speaking, but it can happen while interacting with just one other person, or even when we’re alone. I often hear about it when people tell me about their troubles socializing, dating, being with their parents, or interacting in the workplace. The internal story about who they should be becomes so pervasive that it’s stifling to who they truly are.
So how did I deal with it this time? Gradually, as I stayed with it and felt the pain of my self-judgements (i.e., the various ways I sometimes tell myself that I am not okay the way I am), I realized more and more that I hadn’t found a positive way forward. I eventually gave up and surrendered. It became clear that I can only offer myself.
Let’s talk about that word “only.” I felt small when I first had the thought – like I can only give you me, just little old me. I felt insufficient and even worthless.
But then as I began to open up with you – to be myself with you – this natural, bright confidence (that we all have) started to come back online. I remembered in this very solid way that I am great, I am a great offering, I am the best offering, and you are too. Just the way we are.
And with that self-awareness, self-trust, and self-love, my newsletter began to flow.
So, that’s my first story for you. It’s been very sweet to share it with you and also a little scary. I hope these words support you to be your true self.
Until next time,